fangs, eyes, hair (gorgons)

Considered royalty, Basilisks in their humanoid form can hypnotize any living, non-magical being by simply making eye contact and their venom will cause excruciating pain unless healed by a spell or the tears of a fairy. They are able to completely transform into a large serpent with a dragon-like head, ranging upwards from 150 feet. In their true form, a single look from a Basilisk can cause death. Basilisk's are as old as dragons, but not nearly as territorial.
The Hydra is a dragon-serpent hybrid originating from Ancient Greece that often resides near bodies of water that doubled for entrances to the Underworld. In its true form it has 9 heads, each of which will spout two new heads upon decapitation. The middle head breathes fire, a trait that carries over to their human form. A wounded hydra will bleed a strong acid, but can be killed by decapitation in human form or by cutting off the immortal head (middle one) in true form.
It has a 500 to 1000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. A Phoenix can incinerate anyone/anything with a single touch, their ability is so strong, they can reduce a whole man to ashes in seconds. Phoenixes are amongst the strongest and most durable of monsters, they are quite powerful, and almost impossible to kill - unless stabbed with an iron blade, the First Blade, or shot with the Colt.
A creature with the head of a bull on the body of a man that spans numerous religious mythologies. Minotaurs prefer to lure their prey into confusing terrain, such as a maze, sewer, or tunnel system, before setting up an ambush. If possible, they stalk their prey for days before finally committing to battle. A Minotaur presides over its labyrinth, able to induce hallucinations upon those who come near it - and every seven years, seven youths and seven maidens are taken from their families as sacrifices. Nothing holds a grudge like a minotaur, they are terrifying brutes. Scorned by the civilized races centuries ago and born from a deific curse, minotaurs have hunted, slain, and devoured lesser humanoids in retribution for real or imagined slights for as long as anyone can remember. Minotaurs might also be found in the employ of a more powerful monster or evil creature, serving it so long as they can still hunt and dine as they please. Usually this means guarding some powerful object or valuable location, but it can also be a sort of mercenary work, hunting down the foes of its master. When a Minotaur dies, they are sent to Tartarus where they must cycle through either tending hellfire or torturing souls before they are allowed to return to their labyrinth. To kill a Minotaur for good, one must stab them in the heart with one of their own horns.
A creature with the head of a human, the haunches of a lion, and sometimes the wings of a bird. Known in Greece and Egypt for being treacherous and merciless guardians often flanking the entrances to tombs and temples, their Asian counterparts are known for warding off evil. Those who cannot answer its riddle are typically mauled and eaten without hesitation. Sphinxes prefer to converse in their own tongue, and addressing a sphinx in its own language with all due politeness and deference goes a long way to ensure peaceful conversation, but most speak the languages of humans and dragons as well. They typically serve godesses of war, but answer solely to Sekhmet. Known for craving peaceful solitude, the creatures grow increasingly irritable each time their solitude is invaded. However, they are prone to getting bored easily and perhaps drawing out interaction with a traveller for as long as it suits their fancy. Sphinxes are fantastically long-lived and unless slain by accident, violence, or misadventure, other sphinxes seem to pass on only when they have at last wearied of living and will themselves to die. In the wild, sphinxes lair in warm, dry caves or intact rooms in ruins. Unless there is something worth guarding, sphinxes prefer to stay close to the outside, especially along cliffs and near other wide open spaces that allow them room to fly. The older a sphinx gets, the more sedentary it becomes, until the oldest sphinxes barely move at all except when necessary - as such, the older a sphinx is, the less it needs consume. Keeping a sphinx on guard duty is often expensive, either in treasure or in inventiveness as without something mentally challenging to work on they will lose interest. By nature they are plagued with an intense but fickle focus, which can lead them to dwell obsessively on a single problem or issue for days before promptly shifting their attention and ignoring the previous interest almost completely. Companions, although rare, must be able to keep the interest of the Sphinx or risk the same fate as weary travelers. Despite the relative rarity, especially outside of their chosen deserts and arid hills, stories of their exploits are common enough that most who encounter one know at least the basics of how to act around them: polite, pleasant, and perceptive.


Is an ancient creature of shadow, a special type of demon, which can be summoned by other demons, even witches, using a black alter. These demons do not need a host to attack humans; they are often invisible except for a monstrous humanoid shadow. Therefore, their weakness is light as they cannot manifest without the ability to form a shadow and they can be killed with a demon blade or set ablaze with holy oil. The presence of a Daeva can douse lights and amplify feelings of fear as they are rumored to be created from part of the primordial Darkness. Even in their human form, they cause lights to dim and a strong sense of unease in adolescents. Who they answer to is unknown, and while demons can command them (if they're lucky and powerful enough) they still fear these shadow demons.

They are an infernal class of Djinn, noted for their strength and cunning. Three thousand years ago Djinn were commanded by King Solomon during his reign but the evil Djinn eventually rebelled, and as a result, Solomon imprisoned them inside a brass vessel. They were released by Queen Elizabeth in 1580 or 1581, who intended to use their power to control her enemies through fear. An ifrit is an enormous winged creature of hellfire, either male or female, who lives underground and frequents ruins. They are infamous for their hatred of servitude, desire for revenge, cruel nature, and ability to beguile and mislead. They're always looking to acquire more: more wealth, more power, and most of all more honor - and use their magic to reach these goals. While ordinary weapons and forces have no power over them, they can be harmed by brass and they are susceptible to magic, which humans can use to kill them or to capture and enslave them. When not in human form, they can either be a mass of black smoke and raging hellfire, or a humanoid mass of flame.

An arachne is a creature that can create strong webs, just like real spiders can do, so they can trap their victims with ease. They are also capable of changing humans into arachnes by biting them, in order to propagate their species. Arachnes can even kill humans with poisoning through their bites and it is known that they feed upon human flesh. In their hybrid form they bear some physical resemblance to spiders, such as their eyes with large sky-blue irises and black pupils, protruding fangs and crusty skin -- their vision is also like that of actual spiders; due to their multiple eyes, their field of vision is split into several images. Their true form is
large and menacing Arachnes can only be killed by decapitation. There is a rare subspecies that are biologically more closely related to scorpions.


Wendigo is a Cree Indian word. It means "evil that devours" - they are hundreds of years old, and the older a Wendigo is, the farther they are from their humanity. Wendigos are embodiments of gluttony, greed, and excess; never satisfied after killing and consuming one person, they are constantly searching for new victims and are always hungry. Each was once a man, sometimes an indian or other times a frontiersman or a miner or hunter. During some harsh winter, a person finds themself starving, cut off from supplies or help -- becomes a cannibal to survive, eating other members of his tribe or camp. Cultures all over the world believe that eating human flesh gives a person certain abilities -- speed, strength, immortality. If you eat enough of it, over years, they become this less-than-human thing. Wendigos are taller than humans, standing at about twelve feet tall. They appear emaciated and have pale green skin, incredibly thin that their bones are visible, a symbolism of their unquenchable hunger. They are humanoid and are equipped with sharp claws used to rip prey to shreds. They have red eyes, with sharp yellow crooked teeth. Wendigos have hibernation behavior during the long, cold winters they must survive--meaning they must hoard food if it is scarce. In addition, they keep their victims in dark and isolated places, such as caves or abandoned mines. In order to kill a Wendigo you must decapitate them with silver or burn them alive. Anasazi Indian symbols drawn in a protective circle will keep them away.

Changelings are humanoid creatures with discolored, slimy skin, hollow eyes, and a round lamprey-like mouth with many teeth. They have been talked about throughout history as being the replacements for human children who are stolen away by monsters -- the changeling that replaces the child looks the same as the original child, but is evil, and otherwise acts differently. They feed off the mother of the child they have taken the form of and will let nothing separate them from their food source, killing anyone who gets in their way. They can appear human, but their true nature is revealed in their reflection. They feed on humans' synovial fluid - which grants them the ability to take on the form of their victim. The changeling must have a quiet spot and an immobile victim in order to absorb their body, so stealth is absolutely necessary. Changelings are limited, however, to how much DNA they can absorb at once - rarely can they handle more than four. They are immune to diseases and can be killing by setting them on fire or by killing the Mother Changeling, causing all of her children to die.

Commonly, a Japanese ghost-like monster but is different in that it's tangible and alive, however similar to ghost, it is invisible. It can be harnessed to carry out an individual's desires by use of a spell box. The Shōjō can only be seen when a person is drunk, though when killed it becomes visible for a moment to all. When hunting the ones it was sent after, a Shojo likes to take its time, approaches its target very slowly, only becoming aggressive and quick when it realizes that others can see it, or when someone or something tries to get in its way. It also seems to prefer openly attacking its prey when they're intoxicated enough to be able to perceive it, and is fine with simply following them until such time, implying that it likes to play with its victims. It only harms the intended target, and usually either brushes aside or ignores any bystanders detecting its presence. Shōjō also have a fondness for alcohol, and have been know to skulk around breweries in Japan, particuarly in ancient times. Even none bound, Shōjō have a reputation for not being nice, and are implied to kill if disturbed. They can be killed by a katana blessed by a Shinto priest, and stunned by the powder of a ground up monkey palm.

Are the tangible spirits of witches who feed off children's lifeforce, and takes on a friendly appearance in society. They feed off anyone but prefer children as their lifeforce is stronger and it keeps them youthful longer, they are the root cause of most childhood diseases. Shtrigas are invulnerable to all weapons devised by God and Man, but can become ill and die if they feed off of a soulless person. They are only vulnerable when they're feeding, which is the opportune time to kill them with either the First Blade, consecrated iron, or Death's scythe.

Are tangible spirits that feed off of the life force of the living for nourishment through suckers on their right hand palm. Wraiths true forms, a humanoid creature with a rotten skin, are revealed by mirrors and their main weakness is silver as just the touch of it badly burns them. Wraiths have been known to be able to induce insanity in those it repeatedly feeds off of. They are damned souls who have been brought back to Earth by summoning and never left to rest.


They are the largest and most intimidating magical creatures by argument of their brute strength. Trolls can be made of rock or if they are made of clay in their true form, are known as a Golem. They dwell in isolated rocks, mountains, caves, or sometimes associate with particular landmarks - they sometimes live together in small family units, and are rarely helpful to human beings. Golems however, can be under the employ of Rabbis, or the descendant of the Rabbis, that reanimate them. In general, Trolls do not have any alliance, they live simple lives and like to hoard gold and treasure of any kind. Trolls can only be killed by a powerful spell -- they will bleed dirt or clay, and can regenerate themselves in any form as long as they are standing on a natural substrate. SAYTRS
Also known as Fauns by Romans, are creatures with the upper body of a man and the lower body of a goat complete with hairy goat legs and hooves, as well as goat horns, and the pointed ears of a goat. Alongside nymphs, Saytrs are nature spirits, and can calm the emotions of any beast or animal by playing their reed pipes. They can also communicate with animals and monsters, and smell danger. Saytrs answer to Pan, to a lesser extent Dionysus, and can be either good or bad. They love wine and Nymphs and never pass up a party. When they die, they are reincarnated as plants or trees. CENTUARS
A Centaur is a magical creature whose head, torso and arms appear to be human and are joined to a horse's body. They are, however, their own species, and are not any kind of half-breed. Females are actually called Centuarides. Like horses, centaurs can come in a variety of colours, ranging from deep black to white. They tend to live in tribes and are not very pleased to be insulted, particularly where their lineage is concerned. Centaurs are known to be well-versed in magical healing and favour nature over technology. They will not fight their own kind, but generally enjoy a good battle from time to time. A Centaur's aging is extended, every fifty human years they age only twenty-five.